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Food Intolerance Testing - Immediate Results

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Fresh Start Program

It's Time For a Fresh Start

Feel younger, stronger, healthier through our 

renowned Fresh Start program


Our Fresh Start program is uniquely tailored to suit each person's specific needs after a thorough assessment using our unique screening methods.

  • Do you struggle to lose weight?

  • Are you concerned about your thyroid health?

  • Do you suffer with intense cravings which make it hard to stay on track?

  • Do you carry stubborn body fat around the middle or thighs?  

  • Are you tired of feeling hopeful with little to no results?

Now, by popular demand, we expand upon our Metabolic Health Check to bring you a complete solution for losing weight and feeling great for good. 

No quick-fixes, no generic plans, no juice fasting, no one-size-fits-all guidelines, no more feeling disappointed and demotivated by week 2. 


Beginning with our Complete Metabolic Health Check, combined with a tailored 12 week program,  one on one consultations with Clinical Nutritionist and Author Jennifer May and more - our Fresh Start program is a complete solution for a healthier, happier lifestyle.  

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Learn how to:

Enjoy your favourite foods without putting your goals
on hold

Modify any recipe to suit your specific health goals

Integrate a healthy lifestyle with your current lifestyle and
social life

From The Daily Mail

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..... Both women were successful in transforming their minds, bodies and in many ways, their lives - losing a combined 15kg in the process.... 

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Are you ready to change your life?

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