As a Nutritionist I believe I must lead by example and try to always make the best choices with my diet so that I am healthy, energetic and able to provide care and guidance to others.
My diet is as healthy as it is (now) because of my absolute adoration of the power of food. It was not always this way (as you'll come to read in future blogs), however thanks to studying nutritional medicine I'm in awe of the healing ability of foods and this keeps me motivated and excited about eating wholesome, real food... and yes excited about salads.
I do my best to share my knowledge and my experience of how healthy eating has benefit me with my patients and readers to help you feel equally as inspired. To make sure I'm staying on top of things, I try to read the trending articles and dispel myths where I can. Recently I came across an article which discussed what a Nutritionist eats in a day - I was quite shocked. Deficient in veggies, loaded with artificial sweeteners - the diet resembled one I'd expect from a patient's first visit with me, prior to changes, not something to aim for.
So rather than stating all that is wrong with the diet, I thought I'd simply share an alternative. Here's what I typically eat in a day. My diet is not unachievable, expensive, time consuming or boring. I love what I eat and look forward to my meals. However it is a healthy diet, with all of the essential nutrients my body needs to function at it's best.
Most of the items below are hyperlinked to an image and/or recipe so click on any that take your fancy.

Breakfast: I'd go so far as to say it really is my favourite meal of the day. I have so many breakfast items which I love that, in writing this blog I was inspired to create my next blog series "Power Breakfasts for SuperCharged Mornings" (watch this space). Meanwhile, here's a few favourites...

Breakfast Examples:

Mid Morning Snack Examples:
Lunch: As I recently made the decision to become pescatarian (and try not to eat fish more than once per week) my lunch and dinner is a combination of at least 3 handfuls of vegetables (usually more) mixed with one or more vegetarian protein sources such as nuts/seeds/quinoa/lentils or tofu. If I don't have eggs for breakfast then I may have them with lunch or dinner. On my clinic days however I tend to go to Thrive or Sumo Salad Green label and let them do the cooking for me.

Lunch Examples:
Thrive bowl with salmon, broccoli, avo, sweet potato and spinach.
Zucchini Noodles in Creamy mushroom & Garlic Sauce
Mango Salad with Quinoa and Lentils
Mid Afternoon: I usually don't take lunch until around 2pm as lunchtimes are peak period at my practice. So this means I rarely need an afternoon snack. I usually have a cup of green and jasmine tea, though if I'm hungry I may also have a homemade protein ball or a smoothie. My favourite green smoothie is 1tbsp Cacao, 1 ripe Banana and two large handfuls of Baby Spinach blended with water/almond milk.
Dinner: This is always a mix of veggies, as many green as possible with some vegetarian protein sources. My dinners are quite varied but here's a few favourites:
Stir fry greens with fried organic eggs (if no eggs earlier in the day)
Lentil patties with a big mixed salad

Fish with Veggies/Salad
Lentil, quinoa & eggplant curry with cauliflower rice
Portobello mushroom "Burger" with zucchini fries or side salad (the mushrooms are the buns, the filling is grilled eggplant and chunky avocado salsa)
If I go for a lighter, veggie based option then I usually then follow with a protein based dessert such as:
Cake Cleanse 1 minute mug cake with added Protein
Choc-chia pudding with soaked almonds
Fruit topped with homemade cinnamon cashew cream
Smoothie: plant based protein, almond/coconut milk, banana and/or berries.

Drinks: I love sparkling mineral water with fresh lemon or lime juice, veggie juices, green smoothies and green and jasmine tea. I try to drink at least 2L of water each day not counting my tea. I do love coffee but keep it as a treat 2-3 times per week.
To see my recent post about coffee click here.
So there you have it, my daily planner.What's the defining principle?... Veggies, I aim for at least 6 handfuls of fresh veggies each day and, as long as I achieve this, I can get away with long days, less sleep, too much exercise and even too little protein occasionally. I try to ensure there is variety so that I don't become deficient or bored. From how I feel I'd say I'm doing a pretty good job.
I hope this post inspires you in some way, clears up some confusing information or at least provides you with some healthy recipe choices. Please share this post and help inspire others to look forward to a healthy diet.
Until next time, stay deliciously healthy.

Jennifer May Adv.Dip.Nut.Med.ATMS.MINDD
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